Saturday, March 5, 2011

Watching Youtube Videos Other People Post On Your Facebook Wall

It's happened to all of us. Following a tough session at the gym which included 7.3 bicep curls with weights 20 pounds too much for you, looking at a really hot blonde girl in spandex doing squats, walking around all tough looking at how jacked you are in the mirror while blasting Shipping Up To Boston in hopes that the blonde girl may notice you, and unsuccessfully trying to chat up a girl whose slightly less attractive than the blonde girl (but she'll do because you're attractive enough and there's no reason not to give it a shot bro), you come home to your computer.

Naturally, the first thing you do is check facebook, because you haven't checked it since the second before you left for the gym. In facebook time, this is the equivalent of about two centuries worth of status updates about inside jokes that only three people actually get. Something has clearly happened in the hour and a half you were gone, and you always have to be in the loop at all times otherwise whats the point, so there's really no alternative here. Facebook it is.

Naturally, your inherent coolness renders a notification on your desktop. More pumped up than that "wow that's a low price guy," you click on that red number of glory, wondering what attractive person of the opposite sex posted on your wall this time.

Unfortunately, the notification is from your roommate, who posted some youtube video of storm troopers dancing with pandas while blasting Major Lazer. You like major lazer because he's not exactly mainstream but is well known enough to the extent that it takes very little effort to know who he actually is, which makes you feel like you could hold a conversation in electro house club banging if need be. In fact, you probably would have loved the video if you found it yourself, but since you didn't find it first, its not really that funny Not even close.

Instead, its really stupid and pointless and a complete waste of time. Come to think of it, all the videos posted on your facebook wall are a waste of time. You thus dismiss it, just like everyone else in Jonah Hill's life does.

The time comes though, when your friend facebook chats you up, clearly obsessed with the major lazer dancing pandas, having watched it about 10 times on repeat since sending you the link. It's that good, he proudly thinks to himself. Which it probably is. But you can't concede. The battle of finding better youtube videos has been raging between you two since before Shia LeBeouf grew that strange looking facial hair.

Of course, both of you are under the perception that the other party watches every single youtube video you have ever suggested because, like, who wouldn't? Thus, neither of you have any idea you are secretly engaged in a deadlock for the ages.

Not wanting to be a dick, you respond to your friend:

"Yea dude. That video was sick."

Friend responds:

"I know man. And the part where they start humping they panda? Hilarious."

You have no idea what he's talking about, but your self-imposed hole has already been dug. You have no choice but to respond just as enthusiastically.

"Yea, lol"

You then spend about an hour trying to find a funnier video. You end up finding something that is less funnier than Carlos Mencia, but since you are the one who found it, its clearly better in every way possible.

You send it to your roommate. He agrees of its hilarity. Without watching it, of course.

PS: The video is called Pandaggering. It's hilarious, bro.

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