Sunday, March 13, 2011


The young person and LinkedIn are kind of like suspenders and the 2000's. You could try to put them on, but it's not really going to work.

The appeal of LinkedIn is that its the dressed up version of Facebook. While people on facebook wear things from overly preppy stores from the local mall, LinkedIn enables the young person to wear a three piece suit with a tie that they got from Mens Warehouse for discount price, except nobody is supposed to know that it was discounted because that means the young person is not as rich as other people think they are, a mortal fear of many young people. Young people on LinkedIn are required to feel like they are dressed up whenever logging onto the site (which occurs once every seven months), and are not allowed to wear clip-on ties. Nor are they allowed to wear bowties, because that is too chauvinistic. I think the Texas version of LinkedIn allows for bowties, but the line probably ends there.

The young person's false interest of LinkedIn stems from it being a social media site, which makes it progressive and trendy, which makes it cool despite being all about business. Business is cool, but only under two exceptions:

1.  when it can be used to pick up ridiculously expensive tabs at bars like its nothing. For young guys, this is a primary strategy for getting girls.
2. thats it.

The young person pretends to like LinkedIn because it features many appealing qualities to young people, such as the ability to feel like they are being professional, the ability to make it seem like they are much more impressive than they actually are, and the ability to make it seem like they are being productive without actually doing anything.

LinkedIn is an inherently useless social networking site for young people, because many young people, especially the young person that is still in college, are not professionals. Young people are mostly amateurs, and no young people are named Christian Bale.

Thus, the majority of LinkedIn contacts for the young person are fellow students from school. This is again inherently useless, but having more contacts makes the young person seem like they are a big deal. This is not too far removed from the young person's hobby of having facebook friends that they would never be able to identify in person.

There have been approximately 4.7 reports of young people getting hired through LinkedIn, which is why all young people are flocking to the site. Clearly the odds are not in their favor. Young people hate when the odds are in their favor, because that's boring bro. 

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